Chai With Venus is an immersive socialverse in development through our novel trilogy series: GraYce, Olli, Esther Divinchi. Fictional characters face real world problems set to chapter themes for visual podcast conversations. Dive in. Watch episodes. Discover personality types and active mind cues. Explore well-being techniques. Find your community without the labels that make us defensive. There will be numerous giveaways to experience live in-person sessions at various domestic U.S. locations. Follow us on socials for updates @Chaiwithvenus

Our community guidelines are simple: positive-talk is the yay-walk. Adhere to it.

Who we are

Our Story

A string light patio nestled at the edge of majestic Cheyenne Mountain. Charcuterie boards brimming with grilled meat, fruits, and cheeses. Depending on your intention for our weekly gathering, it’s water, wine, or both. Our table is represented by a color-wheel of skintones with varying generational and family dynamics. We are mentors, friends, and family coming together in our safe place to catch tears, fight fears, and offer tools for a better inside-view of self worth.

On a night where the Barley moon shone bright in the sky, a woman eating grapes paused to fill her glass from a pitcher. It was at this moment, Cofounder Morgan, drew comparison to Roman feasts, organically coining our sessions, Vibing With Venus. We show up, show out. We celebrate, no matter how small the victory.

Time has seen us move to Austin and survive a pandemic. We’ve seen a sudden limitation of women’s rights, attacks on the LGBTQ+ community, and a lack of compassion for one another. We miss our Vibing with Venus days. We’re guessing you do, too.

Our newly coined Chai With Venus name is a desire to represent a spectrum of skin tones just as we see in the spices of chai tea, sharing individual perspectives, and learning to blend in harmony to create a collective spicy one. Messy maybe. Necessary for growth.

Meet the Founders

Deborah Desigio

- CoFounder, Multimedia Architect

Morgan Desigio

- CoFounder, Creative Experience Architect